
Shift JIS や EUC-JP, ISO-2022-JP (いわゆる JIS) の文字コードで, JIS X 0208 に定義されていないにも関わらず, 一部の OS では何らかの意味を持つ記号が表示されてしまうものの一覧です. ただし, CJK については量がかなり多いのでここでは割愛します.

この表では, いわゆる機種依存文字を数値参照を用いて書いているので, HTML 4.0 以降のバージョンに対応していない場合は表示が上手くいかないかもしれません.

Windows CP932 機種依存文字
文字 数値参照 (10 進数) 数値参照 (16 進数) 実体参照 文字の説明
① ① Circled digit one.
② ② Circled digit two.
③ ③ Circled digit three.
④ ④ Circled digit four.
⑤ ⑤ Circled digit five.
⑥ ⑥ Circled digit six.
⑦ ⑦ Circled digit seven.
⑧ ⑧ Circled digit eight.
⑨ ⑨ Circled digit nine.
⑩ ⑩ Circled number ten.
⑪ ⑪ Circled number eleven.
⑫ ⑫ Circled number twelve.
⑬ ⑬ Circled number thirteen.
⑭ ⑭ Circled number fourteen.
⑮ ⑮ Circled number fifteen.
⑯ ⑯ Circled number sixteen.
⑰ ⑰ Circled number seventeen.
⑱ ⑱ Circled number eighteen.
⑲ ⑲ Circled number nineteen.
⑳ ⑳ Circled number twenty.
Ⅰ Ⅰ Roman numeral one.
Ⅱ Ⅱ Roman numeral two.
Ⅲ Ⅲ Roman numeral three.
Ⅳ Ⅳ Roman numeral four.
Ⅴ Ⅴ Roman numeral five.
Ⅵ Ⅵ Roman numeral six.
Ⅶ Ⅶ Roman numeral seven.
Ⅷ Ⅷ Roman numeral eight.
Ⅸ Ⅸ Roman numeral nine.
Ⅹ Ⅹ Roman numeral ten.
㍉ ㍉ Square miri (means milli-).
㌔ ㌔ Square kilo (means kilo-).
㌢ ㌢ Square senti (means centi-).
㍍ ㍍ Square senti (means meter).
㌘ ㌘ Square guramu (means gram).
㌧ ㌧ Square ton (means ton).
㌃ ㌃ Square aaru (means are: unit of area).
㌶ ㌶ Square hekutaaru (means hectare).
㍑ ㍑ Square rittoru (means liter).
㍗ ㍗ Square watto (means watt).
㌍ ㌍ Square karorii (means calorie).
㌦ ㌦ Square doru (means dollar).
㌣ ㌣ Square sento (means cent).
㌫ ㌫ Square paasento (means percent).
㌍ ㍊ Square miribaaru (means millibar).
㌻ ㌻ Square peezi (means page).
㎜ ㎜ Square mm.
㎝ ㎝ Square cm.
㎞ ㎞ Square km.
㎎ ㎎ Square mg.
㎏ ㎏ Square kg.
㏄ ㏄ Square cc.
㎡ ㎡ Square m squared.
㍻ ㍻ Square era name Heisei (平成).
〝 〝 Reversed double prime quotation mark.
〟 〟 Low double prime quotation mark.
№ № Numero sign.
㏍ ㏍ Square KK.
℡ ℡ Telephone sign.
㊤ ㊤ Circled ideograph high.
㊥ ㊥ Circled ideograph centre.
㊦ ㊦ Circled ideograph low.
㊧ ㊧ Circled ideograph left.
㊫ ㊫ Circled ideograph right.
㈱ ㈱ Parenthesized ideograph stock. incorporated.
㈲ ㈲ Parenthesized ideograph have. limited.
㈹ ㈹ Parenthesized ideograph represent.
㍾ ㍾ Square era name Meizi (明治).
㍽ ㍽ Square era name Taisyou (大正).
㍼ ㍼ Square era name Shouwa (昭和).
≒ ≒ Apporoximately equal to or the image of.
≡ ≡ ≡ Identical to.
∫ ∫ ∫ Integral.
∮ ∮ Contour integral.
∑ ∑ ∑ N-ary summation.
√ √ √ Square root.
⊥ ⊥ ⊥ Up tack.
∠ ∠ ∠ Angle.
∟ ∟ Right angle.
⊿ ⊿ Right triangle.
∵ ∵ Because.
∩ ∩ ∩ Intersection.
∪ ∪ ∪ Union.
ⅰ ⅰ Small roman numeral one.
ⅱ ⅱ Small roman numeral two.
ⅲ ⅲ Small roman numeral three.
ⅳ ⅳ Small roman numeral four.
ⅴ ⅴ Small roman numeral five.
ⅵ ⅵ Small roman numeral six.
ⅶ ⅶ Small roman numeral seven.
ⅷ ⅷ Small roman numeral eight.
ⅸ ⅸ Small roman numeral nine.
ⅹ ⅹ Small roman numeral ten.
¬ ¬ Full width not sign.
¦ ¦ Full width broken bar.
' ' Full width apostrophe.
" " Full width quotation mark.
Macintosh 日本語 機種依存文字
文字 数値参照 (10 進数) 数値参照 (16 進数) 実体参照 文字の説明
© © © © Copyright sign.
™ ™ ™ Trade mark sign.
… … Horizontal ellipsis.
① ① Circled digit one.
② ② Circled digit two.
③ ③ Circled digit three.
④ ④ Circled digit four.
⑤ ⑤ Circled digit five.
⑥ ⑥ Circled digit six.
⑦ ⑦ Circled digit seven.
⑧ ⑧ Circled digit eight.
⑨ ⑨ Circled digit nine.
⑩ ⑩ Circled number ten.
⑪ ⑪ Circled number eleven.
⑫ ⑫ Circled number twelve.
⑬ ⑬ Circled number thirteen.
⑭ ⑭ Circled number fourteen.
⑮ ⑮ Circled number fifteen.
⑯ ⑯ Circled number sixteen.
⑰ ⑰ Circled number seventeen.
⑱ ⑱ Circled number eighteen.
⑲ ⑲ Circled number nineteen.
⑳ ⑳ Circled number twenty.
⑴ ⑴ Parenthesized digit one.
⑵ ⑵ Parenthesized digit two.
⑶ ⑶ Parenthesized digit three.
⑷ ⑳ Parenthesized digit four.
⑸ ⑴ Parenthesized digit five.
⑹ ⑵ Parenthesized digit six.
⑺ ⑶ Parenthesized digit seven.
⑻ ⑷ Parenthesized digit eight.
⑼ ⑸ Parenthesized digit nine.
⑽ ⑹ Parenthesized number ten.
⑾ ⑺ Parenthesized number eleven.
⑿ ⑻ Parenthesized number twelve.
⒀ ⑼ Parenthesized number thirteen.
⒁ ⑽ Parenthesized number fourteen.
⒂ ⑾ Parenthesized number fifteen.
⒃ ⑿ Parenthesized number sixteen.
⒄ ⒀ Parenthesized number seventeen.
⒅ ⒁ Parenthesized number eighteen.
⒆ ⒂ Parenthesized number nineteen.
⒇ ⒃ Parenthesized number twenty.
❶ ❶ Dingbat negative circled digit one.
❷ ❷ Dingbat negative circled digit two.
❸ ❸ Dingbat negative circled digit three.
❹ ❹ Dingbat negative circled digit four.
❺ ❺ Dingbat negative circled digit five.
❻ ❻ Dingbat negative circled digit six.
❼ ❼ Dingbat negative circled digit seven.
❽ ❽ Dingbat negative circled digit eight.
❾ ❾ Dingbat negative circled digit nine.
⒈ ⒈ Digit one full stop.
⒉ ⒉ Digit two full stop.
⒊ ⒊ Digit three full stop.
⒋ ⒋ Digit four full stop.
⒌ ⒌ Digit five full stop.
⒍ ⒍ Digit six full stop.
⒎ ⒎ Digit seven full stop.
⒏ ⒏ Digit eight full stop.
⒐ ⒐ Digit nine full stop.
⒑ ⒑ Digit ten full stop.
⒒ ⒒ Digit eleven full stop.
⒓ ⒓ Digit twelve full stop.
Ⅰ Ⅰ Roman numeral one.
Ⅱ Ⅱ Roman numeral two.
Ⅲ Ⅲ Roman numeral three.
Ⅳ Ⅳ Roman numeral four.
Ⅴ Ⅴ Roman numeral five.
Ⅵ Ⅵ Roman numeral six.
Ⅶ Ⅶ Roman numeral seven.
Ⅷ Ⅷ Roman numeral eight.
Ⅸ Ⅸ Roman numeral nine.
Ⅹ Ⅹ Roman numeral ten.
Ⅺ Ⅺ Roman numeral eleven.
Ⅻ Ⅻ Roman numeral twelve.
⒜ ⒜ Parenthesized latin small letter a.
⒝ ⒝ Parenthesized latin small letter b.
⒞ ⒞ Parenthesized latin small letter c.
⒟ ⒟ Parenthesized latin small letter d.
⒠ ⒠ Parenthesized latin small letter e.
⒡ ⒡ Parenthesized latin small letter f.
⒢ ⒢ Parenthesized latin small letter g.
⒣ ⒣ Parenthesized latin small letter h.
⒤ ⒤ Parenthesized latin small letter i.
⒥ ⒥ Parenthesized latin small letter j.
⒦ ⒦ Parenthesized latin small letter k.
⒧ ⒧ Parenthesized latin small letter l.
⒨ ⒨ Parenthesized latin small letter m.
⒩ ⒩ Parenthesized latin small letter n.
⒪ ⒪ Parenthesized latin small letter o.
⒫ ⒫ Parenthesized latin small letter p.
⒬ ⒬ Parenthesized latin small letter q.
⒭ ⒭ Parenthesized latin small letter r.
⒮ ⒮ Parenthesized latin small letter s.
⒯ ⒯ Parenthesized latin small letter t.
⒰ ⒰ Parenthesized latin small letter u.
⒱ ⒱ Parenthesized latin small letter v.
⒲ ⒲ Parenthesized latin small letter w.
⒳ ⒳ Parenthesized latin small letter x.
⒴ ⒴ Parenthesized latin small letter y.
⒵ ⒵ Parenthesized latin small letter z.
㎜ ㎜ Square mm.
㎟ ㎟ Square mm squared.
㎝ ㎝ Square cm.
㎠ ㎠ Square cm squared.
㎤ ㎤ Square cm cubed.
㎡ ㎡ Square m squared.
㎥ ㎥ Square m cubed.
㎞ ㎞ Square km.
㎢ ㎢ Square km squared.
㎎ ㎎ Square mg.
㎏ ㎏ Square kg.
㏄ ㏄ Square cc.
㎖ ㎖ Square ml.
㎗ ㎗ Square dl.
ℓ ℓ Script small l.
㎘ ㎘ Square kl.
㎳ ㎳ Square ms.
㎲ ㎲ Square mu s.
㎱ ㎱ Square ns.
㎰ ㎰ Square ps.
℉ ℉ Degree fahrenheit.
㏔ ㏔ Square mb small.
㏋ ㏋ Square HP.
㎐ ㎐ Square Hz.
㎅ ㎅ Square KB.
㎆ ㎆ Square MB.
㎇ ㎇ Square GB.
№ № Numero sign.
㏍ ㏍ Square KK.
℡ ℡ Telephone sign.
♤ ♤ White spade suit.
♧ ♧ White club suit.
♡ ♡ White heart suit.
♢ ♢ White diamond suit.
♠ ♠ ♠ Black spade suit.
♣ ♣ ♣ Black club suit.
♥ ♥ ♥ Black heart suit.
♦ ♦ ♦ Black diamond suit.
〠 〠 Postal mark face.
☎ ☎ Black telephone.
〄 〄 Japanese Industrial Standards symbol.
☞ ☞ White right pointing index.
☜ ☜ White left pointing index.
☝ ☝ White up pointing index.
☟ ☟ White down pointing index.
⇆ ⇆ Leftwards arrow over rightwards arrow.
⇄ ⇄ Rightwards arrow over leftwards arrow.
⇅ ⇅ Upwards arrow leftwords of downwards arrow.
⇨ ⇨ Rightwards white arrow.
⇦ ⇦ Leftwards white arrow.
⇧ ⇧ Upwards white arrow.
⇩ ⇩ Downwards white arrow.
㈰ ㈰ Parenthesized ideograph sun.
㈪ ㈪ Parenthesized ideograph moon.
㈫ ㈫ Parenthesized ideograph fire.
㈬ ㈬ Parenthesized ideograph water.
㈭ ㈭ Parenthesized ideograph wood.
㈮ ㈮ Parenthesized ideograph metal.
㈯ ㈯ Parenthesized ideograph earth.
㉀ ㉀ Parenthesized ideograph festival.
㈷ ㈷ Parenthesized ideograph congratulation.
㉂ ㉂ Parenthesized ideograph self.
㉃ ㉃ Parenthesized ideograph reach.
㈹ ㈹ Parenthesized ideograph represent.
㈺ ㈺ Parenthesized ideograph call.
㈱ ㈱ Parenthesized ideograph stock.
㈾ ㈾ Parenthesized ideograph resource.
㈴ ㈴ Parenthesized ideograph name.
㈲ ㈲ Parenthesized ideograph have.
㈻ ㈻ Parenthesized ideograph study.
㈶ ㈶ Parenthesized ideograph financial.
㈳ ㈳ Parenthesized ideograph society.
㈵ ㈵ Parenthesized ideograph special.
㈼ ㈼ Parenthesized ideograph supervise.
㈽ ㈽ Parenthesized ideograph enterprise.
㈿ ㈿ Parenthesized ideograph alliance.
㈸ ㈸ Parenthesized ideograph labor.
㊤ ㊤ Circled ideograph high.
㊥ ㊥ Circled ideograph centre.
㊦ ㊦ Circled ideograph low.
㊧ ㊧ Circled ideograph left.
㊫ ㊫ Circled ideograph right.
㊩ ㊩ Circled ideograph medicine.
㊖ ㊖ Circled ideograph financial.
㊝ ㊝ Circled ideograph excellent.
㊘ ㊘ Circled ideograph labor.
㊞ ㊞ Circled ideograph print.
㊙ ㊙ Circled ideograph select.
㍉ ㍉ Square miri (means milli-).
㌢ ㌢ Square senti (means centi-).
㍍ ㍍ Square senti (means meter).
㌔ ㌔ Square kiro (means kilo-).
㌖ ㌖ Square kiromeetoru (means kilometer).
㌅ ㌅ Square inti (means inch).
㌳ ㌳ Square huiito (means feet).
㍎ ㌘ Square yaado (means yard).
㌃ ㌃ Square aaru (means are: unit of area).
㌶ ㌶ Square hekutaaru (means hectare).
㌘ ㌘ Square guramu (means gram).
㌕ ㌕ Square kiroguramu (means kilogram).
㌧ ㌧ Square ton (means ton).
㍑ ㍑ Square rittoru (means liter).
㍊ ㍊ Square miribaaru (means millibar).
㌹ ㌹ Square herutu (means hertz).
㍗ ㍗ Square watto (means watt).
㌍ ㌍ Square karorii (means calorie).
㍂ ㍂ Square hoon (means phon).
㌣ ㌣ Square sento (means cent).
㌦ ㌦ Square doru (means dollar).
㌻ ㌻ Square peezi (means page).
㌫ ㌫ Square paasento (means percent).
㌀ ㌀ Square apaato (means apartment house).
㌞ ㌞ Square koopo (means cooperative apartment house).
㌪ ㌪ Square haitu (means heitz).
㌱ ㌱ Square biru (means building).
㍇ ㍇ Square mansyon (means condominium).
㍾ ㍾ Square era name Meizi (明治).
㍽ ㍽ Square era name Taisyou (大正).
㍼ ㍼ Square era name Shouwa (昭和).
㍻ ㍻ Square era name Heisei (平成).
∮ ∮ Contour integral.
∟ ∟ Right angle.
⊿ ⊿ Right triangle.
〝 〝 Reversed double prime quotation mark.
〟 〟 Low double prime quotation mark.
ゔ ゔ Hiragana letter vu.
ヷ ヷ Katakana letter va.
ヸ ヸ Katakana letter vi.
ヹ ヹ Katakana letter ve.
ヺ ヺ Katakana letter vo.